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To purchase, send listed cost via Venmo to @thrashpress with the title of the publication(s) you'd like and your mailing or e-mail address (the account is private so your information will not show up on any streams). I will then request back the postage amount and let you know when your item is on the way.

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$5 / HELL I'M BETTER by Maud Pryor / poetry / zine / 8 pages / 

$5 / LADY LIBERTY SMASHING STONES by Sherese Francis / poetry / zine / 12 pages / numbered out of 103

$5 / NAME THIS BODY by Emily Hockaday / poetry / zine / 12 pages / numbered out of 126

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$5 / REPEAT AS NECESSARY (OR HOW TO BLOW UP YOUR LIFE) by Christine Kandic Torres / fiction / zine / 12 pages / numbered out of 103

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$5 / A EULOGY FOR THE AMERICAN DREAM by Sherese Francis / poetry / broadside / hand-colored hardstock / numbered out of 103

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$5 / BODY ABOVE WATER by Emily Hockaday / poetry / broadside / hand-colored hardstock / numbered out of 103


$5 / DISENFRANCHISED GRIEF IN FOUR PARTS by Sangamithra Iyer / lyrical prose / broadside / colored paper options

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$5 / IF I COULD MILK A CLOUD I WOULD / POETRY / broadside / colored paper options

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$5 / THE 3939 WORLD'S FAIR by Lorraine Schein / poetry / broadside / hand-colored hardstock or black and white / numbered out of 75

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$5 / from REPEAT AS NECESSARY (OR HOW TO BLOW UP YOUR LIFE) by Christine Kandic Torres / fiction / broadside / hand-colored hardstock / numbered out of 103

$1 DIGITAL DIY ZINE PACKET #1: WHO HAVE I BECOME SINCE MARCH 2020 / THRASH / prompts and instructions / 19 pages / PDF format (If you attended the DIY zine workshop in March 2021, please note this is an updated version of the same content!)

Our Venmo is
@thrashpress. Visit our funding page to see a supply wish list and our incoming and outgoing expenses. Write to if you would like to purchase a publication or send a project query. Or with any questions. Or to say hi.
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